Using a card game to teach Corporate Social Responsibility
Reading time 6 minThis article looks at a playful pedagogical approach that facilitates the appropriation of RSO in organizations through the ISO 26000 standard.
Organizing a hackathon to achieve your educational goals
Reading time 5 minThis hackathon took place in March 2023 for the 31 students of the Specialized Master® of MASC (management of acquisition and supply chain).
EULab Initial Reflections
Reading time 7 minParticipants immersed themselves in the topic of “Feeding Our Cities: Developing Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Food Systems”.
Developing active learning rooms at Audencia
Reading time 6 minAudencia develops rooms dedicated to active learning at Campus for a better learning experience...
Tailored asynchronous interactive and fun activities
Reading time 11 minThe faculty members, in collaboration with the L&T Team, have designed courses with interactive and fun activities in SCORM format...
Chat GPT: emergence of AI available to all in education
Reading time 7 minChat GPT : l’émergence de l’IA ouvert à tous dans l’éducation. Doit-on craindre ChatGPT ? Comment contrer la triche que le chatbot permet ? Quelles questions éthiques de tels outils amènent-ils ?
Marketing Department Away Day 2023
Reading time 7 minTo avoid January blues the Audencia Marketing Department colleagues, have spent a fabulous away day discussing best practices in 21st century Higher Education.
Using professional situations to design a training system for managerial activity
Reading time 2 minL’enseignement du management ne cesse de questionner en pédagogie. Activité complexe et éminemment interactionnelle, elle mobilise le sujet qui l’exerce dans de multiples dimensions intellectuelles, corporelles, émotionnelles, éthiques
Online and remote coaching
Reading time 2 minAlors que la pandémie a fait ressortir des enjeux de taille concernant le maintien du lien social et l’accompagnement des apprenants à distance, ce numéro propose des articles apportant des réflexions et éclairages complémentaires sur les pratiques qui se sont déployées.