Personalize education with AI?
Reading time 2 minDeux articles qui traitent des aspirations et défis de l’IA dans l’éducation et les robots conversationnels comme tuteurs…
Reading time 2 minDeux articles qui traitent des aspirations et défis de l’IA dans l’éducation et les robots conversationnels comme tuteurs…
Reading time 3 minQuelle est la perception des étudiants quant à l’usage du chatbot en tant que tuteur de cours ? Quel est son rôle selon la typologie de Bernatchez ?
Reading time 2 minLeveraging AI chatbots like ChatGPT to conduct interviews in social science studies, enabling faster data collection and larger sample sizes.
Reading time 6 minThis Hackathon of the transition of the territory was held for the first time in November 2024 with 4 companies.
Reading time 9 minThis hackathon takes place twice a year, in April and November for first-year students of the Gaia master’s degree.
Reading time 9 minA VARK workshop allows first year Bachelor students to discover their learning preferences through fun activities.
Reading time 10 minThe faculty members, in collaboration with the L&T Team, have designed courses with interactive and fun activities in SCORM format...
Reading time 8 minA pedagogical retreat is offered to the members of the Faculty, to (re)design one of its courses in order to integrate the challenges of the TSE.