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- Student engagement in MOOC discussion forums
Stéphane, Y., Ze, N., Molinari, G. (2021). L’engagement des étudiants dans les forums de discussion des MOOC : dimensions et indicateurs (Student engagement in MOOC discussion forums: dimensions and indicators). Open Edition Journals – Distances et médiations des savoirs, volume 36. https://doi.org/10.4000/dms.6674
This article aims to clarify the idea of engagement in MOOC discussion forums, as it is perceived by students. To do this, we used the qualitative process used by Fredricks et al.(2016) in the context of mathematics and the sciences. Analysing eleven semi-structured interviews carried out with MOOC certified trainers evidenced three main results. First, engagement as a four-dimensional construct (behavioural, affective, cognitive and social). Second, a clear distinction between these dimensions, using the related indicators that we identified. Finally the dynamics of the student’s engagement, because it could be absent, weak or strong. These results facilitate a definition that is socially and contextually anchored in MOOC forum engagement,