Gaïa Hackathon of the transition in the territory

Reading time 6 min

Reading time 6 minThis Hackathon of the transition of the territory was held for the first time in November 2024 with 4 companies.

Hackathon Gaïa – Strategizing and ethical challenges

Reading time 9 min

Reading time 9 minThis hackathon takes place twice a year, in April and November for first-year students of the Gaia master’s degree.

Learning Preferences – VARK Bachelor 1st Year Workshop

Reading time 9 min

Reading time 9 minA VARK workshop allows first year Bachelor students to discover their learning preferences through fun activities.

GIFT project

Reading time 8 min

Reading time 8 minA pedagogical retreat is offered to the members of the Faculty, to (re)design one of its courses in order to integrate the challenges of the TSE.

Workshop: learning with Generative AI

Reading time 7 min

Reading time 7 minHow can we learn effectively with new ways of working? Can generative AI tools be our “study buddies”? 

EULab Initial Reflections

Reading time 7 min

Reading time 7 minParticipants immersed themselves in the topic of “Feeding Our Cities: Developing Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Food Systems”.

In Situ Lab’s real and virtual shops

Reading time 4 min

Reading time 4 minLes magasins laboratoires réel et virtuel du In Situ Lab, des outils pédagogiques au service des cours de retail & merchandising.

Biomimicry: the natural returns to the galop

Reading time 4 min

Reading time 4 minApproche design thinking par les principes du biomimétisme avec une démarche d’un développement à impact positif.

The nature of remote assessments

Reading time 8 min

Reading time 8 minAujourd’hui, certains examens se poursuivent en ligne. Afin de retenir la modalité d’évaluation la plus adaptée, il est indispensable d’identifier ce que vous cherchez à évaluer et de communiquer au plus tôt à vos étudiants les modalités retenues.