The LQD and the Knowledge Hub do the watch for you!
Learning and Teaching News – January 2025
In this edition, we provide you with insights to bring dynamics to your classroom. We explore ways to create meaningful and inclusive learning experiences, with a focus on fostering engagement through humour, mentorship, and game-based learning. Equally, we address eco-anxiety and integrating sustainability. Finally, we revisit in this newsletter pedagogical humility, interdisciplinary learning, and simulated leadership meetings that bridge the gap between academic theory and real-world practice.
Learning and Teaching News – October 2024
This newsletter offers you the opportunity to explore engaging features and inspirational tools to enhance your daily work as a faculty member, whether in the realm of technological experimentations or in the area of assessment. More broadly, the selection highlights the essential balance between embracing technology advancements and remaining mindful of the planet’s limitations.
Learning and Teaching News – May 2024
With the arrival of spring, AI is still flourishing and shaping our education world. In this L&T spring edition we will focus on its ethical dimensions, highlighting how these tools can be harnessed to foster not only intellectual but also personal growth among students. As AI becomes increasingly embedded in educational practices, it is crucial to navigate these technologies with a clear understanding of their ethical implications and potential to enhance learning experiences.
Learning and Teaching News – January 2024
In this edition, we are thrilled to embark on a new and challenging educational year. It comes as no surprise that we emphasize the ongoing need to strike a delicate balance between the rapid changes in technology and the robust pedagogical mechanisms and designs.
There’s much more to explore in our sections below!
Learning and Teaching News – October 2023
In this edition, we offer a diverse range of themes capturing the dynamic essence of education at the beginning of the 2023 academic year. The use of GenerativeAI remains the dominant topic in the news, but the human contact aspect of learning and teaching has not disappeared. Another faculty-based event will be organised to discuss the role of a faculty member in a world where AI is generalised- watch out your inbox for the invite.
Learning and Teaching News – July 2023
In our last newsletter the focus was mainly on GAI and chatGPT revolution, raising as many concerns as opportunities. Not surprisingly, this topic continues to be an essential part of the discussion in the education field, as educators are structuring new processes (EN) to adapt to GAI, and some items on this newsletter continue to deal with this topic. Students’ motivations to learn and future skills are also in our mind at Audencia.
Learning and Teaching News – April 2023
It’s release time for the Spring Learning & Teaching newsletter! The Education field has been turned upside down for these last three months with the worldwide introduction of the last Generative Pre-trained Transformer of Open AI- ChatGPT. Hard to avoid debates on the subject as you will notice in this edition. The L&T development team organised the 1st workshop in march, and a REX on Mai 3rd is organised with two faculty members to share their experince. Audencia’s official position is to embrace change and the generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, in teaching and learning. Would you be able to guess which part of this newsletter was written with the help of GPT?
Learning and Teaching News – December 2022
First of all, the Learning & Teaching News team wishes you a Happy New Year! As a fresh January start, it is a perfect time to read this newsletter as you prepare for 2023. In this newsletter we focused on enhancing the students’ learning experience following national and international trends (19 articles filtered for the production of this newsletter).
Learning and Teaching News – October 2022
With the summer firmly behind us a new academic year opening. As we are looking forward, The Innovating Pedagogy 2022 report (EN) and the critical viewpoint taken on the 2022 Educause Horizon Report (FR) draw a panorama of the future of learning, including trends such as AI and micro-certification.
Learning and Teaching News – June 2022
As the school year draws to a close, it is time for us to take a step back and analyze our teaching practices. Why not also take the opportunity to think about the future of teaching, and the various forms it could take? All this, of course, with a good summer break to recharge the batteries, because the most important thing in learning is the break!
Learning and Teaching News – March 2022
Few topics in this newsletter in line with our current activities at Audencia: competency-based learning, learning spaces, societal competencies and incorporating ecological topics in our content. As we scanned hunderds of articles, we handpicked few for you to consider and read.
Learning and Teaching News – December 2021
From your chair, you will be able to read in this newsletter articles on trending topics in pedagogy. The education world is still contemplating choices as we continue through COVID- what practices to keep? What do students want? How to detect and prevent students’ mental health? What is the role and limit of technology? Winter is coming, but maybe you would be excited to know that your avatar in a meta world can evolve in a society without season :), must we go there then?
Learning and Teaching News – September 2021
2021-2022 promises to be a busy year as the projects in the strategic plan are taking shape: lectures’ training, offering distance-learning options to students, Gaïa, revising competency framework, among others. Coupled with a hope to return to the new normal, as more students are present on campus (hooray!) and well-established procedures to make classes accessible for those who cannot attend, we are invited as higher education professionals to refocus our delivery methods and priorities, dare we say our roles as educators as the next session presents.
Learning and Teaching News – June 2021
As vaccination turned to be a priority and optimism rose for sept 2022, educational institutions continued to rely on technology to ensure continuity of education in 2021. The move online in 2020 was done in rush with a steep learning curve for all actors. Today, organisations in every industry admit that there is a long-lasting effect of accelerating technology use in the past year, including higher education. This time around, however, we can plan the online teaching better.
As we look ahead to a new scholarly year, this newsletter draws on different articles in this spirit: how could we plan and deploy a better ‘physigital’ learning environment for our students? What content is best adapted? What activities are most appropriate for our intended learning outcomes? Remember, inspirations often come when the mind is wandering. A cross team of the Learning Hub and the Learning and Quality Development worked thought around 120 articles in French and English to curate a handful for you.
Learning and Teaching News – April 2021
We are glad to be back with our Learning & Teaching (L&T) newsletter, brought to you by the Knowledge Hub (DAC) and the instructional designers team (LQD). In its new format, it will be published every 3 months.
Each time, you will find current trends – L&T in the news, inspiring resources and L&T actualities at Audencia.
Time to have a break and read!