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The wage gap between women and men is now equivalent to 24% in France. To reduce this gap, negotiation support is one of the major levers (with the awareness of companies and the fight against stereotypes).
What is meant by negotiation? Wage negotiation certainly includes salary but also variable pay, flexibility of working time, benefits in kind, access to training…
With this in mind, and anxious to have an impact on businesses and society, Audencia’s Positive Impact Chair has joined forces with women’s networks and public and private actors of the Nantes CSR Platform to offer a free support module to give women the keys to a successful negotiation.
After training more than 4600 women at #NégoTraining in the form of face-to-face workshops, Positif Impact chair of Audencia and its partners wish to let the workshop be more accessible to all women. For this, the module has been adapted to MOOC format allow following the training at your own pace.
Here is a playlist of resources from the NégoTraining MOOC. You will find the recording of the virtual class of the closing of the first session of the training as well as situations of our protagonist Camille. Enjoy!
You have subtitles available in French to activate at the bottom right (gear button) of the video player.
To enhance your educational journey, we offer you a series of webinars #NégoTraining.
Why? The gender pay gap persists, but the Audencia Positive Impact Chair Remains committed to tackling these occupational disparities. To accelerate the reduction of wage gaps, the Chair is launching a series of webinars #NégoTraining, offering women additional tools to make wage negotiations successful.
On the agenda:
- Negotiation from the HRD perspective - Friday, January 24 from 12:00 to 12:30
You have subtitles available in French to activate at the bottom right (gear button) of the video player.
- How dare they negotiate? - Friday, February 28 from 12:00 to 12:30 (register)
- Convincing of one’s professional value: the difficulties and good practices - Wednesday, March 26 from 12:00 to 12:30 (register)
- How to initiate the negotiation topic during an interview? - Wednesday, April 23 from 12:00 to 12:30 (register)
Register to learn effective strategies and inspiring stories that will help you improve your job situation!